Archives des Uncategorized - Domaparis Adresse de prestige pour la domiciliation de sociétés Wed, 02 Jun 2021 07:11:04 +0000 fr-FR hourly 1 Archives des Uncategorized - Domaparis 32 32 Set up your business in France Wed, 02 Jun 2021 07:11:04 +0000 The U.K has officially left the European Union on January 1st 2021, but not before that a trade deal was […]

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The U.K has officially left the European Union on January 1st 2021, but not before that a trade deal was made between the two entities this past December.

What does it mean now for your British company, if you want to continue to trade with other European countries, and how can you optimize the costs and process with these new regulations due to Brexit ?

A solution would be to set up your business operations, with a fiscal representation, within France for example. Thus,  it would facilitate your trade with European countries and allow you to sell or buy products and services on the European market.

What type of legal form is to be considered ? Well, these are the options to look at : the entity (as an agency or a branch) and the subsidiary.

Agency (or liaison office)

It is not a new legal identity, but an extension of the foreign parent company. A light structure, easy to set up and inexpensive which can be used to represent the parent company’s business in France. It represents the first step in settling down on the French market and making contacts. If the relations are positive, then subsequently you might consider converting it into a branch office or a subsidiary.

It serves to build up business relations with French and U.E partners, to arrange advertising in various media to present products and services, but also to take part in trade fairs ad even open a showroom.

Although, an agency cannot carry out commercial deeds (only the parent company can issue invoices and sign commercial contracts).

Also, there is no need to apply for a K-bis, which is a certificate of incorporation with the RCS (Trade and Companies Register) given by the Tribunal de Commerce (Commercial Court). Except maybe to open a bank account, pick up registered letters at the post office, open a new phone line or buy a mobile phone.


It is considered as a stable entity, which carries out all or part of the activities of the parent company without having its own specific legal identity (independent management but remaining legally tied to the parent company).

Its legal structure enables to do the followings in France and within the U.E : manufacture, design and sell.

As opposed to an agency, commercial deeds (i.e. orders, invoices, delivery, export, etc.) are authorized for a branch, and commercial contracts are negotiated and signed by the legal representative.


A subsidiary is different from the first two legal forms. It is a completely new legal entity, ruled under the French law and whose parent company brings at least 50% of the capital, whatever the nationality of the other partners.

The aim of this type of company is to pool production means or services with a view of making a profit.

The legal structure generally is a :

  • SA (société anonyme, public limited company)
  • SAS (société par actions simplifiées, simplified company with a share capital)
  • SARL (société à responsabilité limitée, private limited company)
  • EURL (entreprise unipersonnelle à responsabilité limitée, private limited company under sole owernship)


Formalities for a company creation or transfer must also be done. The French procedures might not be familiar to you and could be even more time-consuming than you think when handled by yourself.

At DomaParis, we can handle these formalities for you. We offer you our expertise in company registration and carry out all the applications and files by ourselves to provide you with a personalized quality service.


Among these formalities, you need to domiciliate the company, which means that you have to find an address for the headquarters. By choosing a domiciliation company as your headquarter’s address, you are choosing stability for the name of your company, but also in the eyes of your clients who will refer to only one location, even if you need to change your business premises location several times.

Moreover, choosing a domiciliation address in Paris comes with many benefits. One of them being to profit from a prestigious brand image.


For further information, contact us : / (+33) 1 44 29 73 73

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All about the Business Property Tax (CFE) Fri, 21 May 2021 07:46:00 +0000 What is this tax ? Whether you are a micro-entrepreneur, the president of a joint-stock company or the owner of a […]

L’article All about the Business Property Tax (CFE) est apparu en premier sur Domaparis.

What is this tax ?

Whether you are a micro-entrepreneur, the president of a joint-stock company or the owner of a limited liability company, you must pay the Business Property Tax (Cotisation Foncière des Entreprises). This includes all types of company that uses a business premise and whatever the legal form or activity.


Minimization of the tax amount thanks to domiciliation

By domiciliating your company within a domiciliation agency such as DomaParis, the Business Property Tax rate becomes insignificant compared to when you choose to domiciliate it within a business premise or at your own personal address. Because you do not use any physical premise, you do not need to pay for one, thus the amount is minimal. This advantage allows you to save money and to write off the domiciliation costs.


A more interesting tax amount in Paris

You should know that it is also more interesting for you to pick an address for your headquarters within the walls of Paris rather than in the others departments of Ile-de-France. (i.e. : in the Hauts-de-Seine (92) where the mandated tax amount is outrageous)


For further information about the Business Property Tax, domiciliation or the formalities for entrepreneurship, please contact us : or by phone : (+33) 1 44 29 73 73

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55 Boulevard Pereire, 75017 Paris, a prestigious address for your headquarters Fri, 30 Apr 2021 13:48:55 +0000 Located in the 17th district of Paris, this address is a perfect choice for your company’s headquarters. Attractive and prestigious […]

L’article 55 Boulevard Pereire, 75017 Paris, a prestigious address for your headquarters est apparu en premier sur Domaparis.

Located in the 17th district of Paris, this address is a perfect choice for your company’s headquarters.

Attractive and prestigious at the same time, it will certainly seduce and draw many potential clients and suppliers.

A modern and dynamic business area

The 17th district of Paris is hosting one of the most promising business areas in the capital. Close to the district of La Défense and at the gates of the city’s ring road, the district of Clichy Batignolles has nothing to envy to its neighbor since companies rush to settle here these days.

Eco-friendly and ultra modern, many residential buildings but also several offices and shops are gathered in this area. It is also where stands the new High Court (Tribunal de Grande Instance), known to be the second tallest Parisian building after the Montparnasse Tower.

A prestigious boulevard

This boulevard, divided into two lanes of more than 2 kilometers each, is likely to be one of the most prestigious and most attractive boulevards in the capital.

Indeed, thanks to its many green spaces and especially to its Pereire walking path, it is very nice to walk and get away there for a brief moment. Therefore, domiciliating your company at 55 boulevard Pereire offers calm and peace, but above all it offers you some peace of mind and credibility for the settlement of your headquarters.

Furthermore, from a historical point of view, the name « Pereire » is a reference the Pereire brothers who had played a major part in the making and the development of the 17th district in the 19th century. As a matter of fact, the Pereire brothers, who were bankers, insurers, but also politicians, have significantly contributed to the funding of Haussmannian buildings in the capital. A great story which makes this boulevard even more fascinating and unique.

Modern, prestigious, dynamic and attractive, these are the characteristics that define our address in the best way.

For further information about our location:

L’article 55 Boulevard Pereire, 75017 Paris, a prestigious address for your headquarters est apparu en premier sur Domaparis.

Where can you domiciliate your micro-company? Thu, 29 Apr 2021 07:12:13 +0000 Nowadays, being a micro-entrepreneur is the most wanted legal status due to the simplicity of the creation process. However, knowing […]

L’article Where can you domiciliate your micro-company? est apparu en premier sur Domaparis.

Nowadays, being a micro-entrepreneur is the most wanted legal status due to the simplicity of the creation process. However, knowing where to domiciliate your company is another issue. Most of the time, micro-entrepreneurs will choose home domiciliation because it is easy and practical. But is it really the best solution?

What are the boundaries of home domiciliation?

Choosing your own personal address to domiciliate your micro-company is totally possible and comes with substantial advantages.

Indeed, by choosing your personal address as your head office, there are no additional office rent to take into account. Moreover, all of your activity-linked administrative documents and parcels are sent straight to your home. Home office is not only a low-cost solution, but is also time-saving. No need to waist your time to commute, either in public transportation nor on the road.

There are many advantages for choosing home domiciliation of course, but there are certainly significant invonvenients hidden behind those too.

Although you get all of your clients’ and your own administrative documents at home, it involves disclosing your personal address to everyone. Since it is also your professional address, it will constantly appear on the Internet or on social media when your company’s name is mentionned.

Additionally, you may seem less convincing in the eyes of your clients and your suppliers by using a personal address. Thus, your micro-company may appear less attractive to them.

Alternative: domiciliate within a domiciliation company

If you want to keep your private life apart from your professional one and do not want to disclose your personal home address, you can domiciliate your micro-company within DomaParis.

A domiciliation company allows you to choose a prestigious address for your micro-company’s headquarter, whilst practicing your activity from home. In this scenario, your personal address stays private and all of the administrative documents are handled within the domiciliation company. The it is up to you to retrieve your mail or choose to forward it or scan it to the (e)mail address of your choosing.


For further information about domiciliation:

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Sandrine Nachampassack as Community Manager for Domaparis Wed, 28 Apr 2021 10:45:14 +0000 Sandrine Nachampassack has joined DomaParis during April as our new Community Manager and is now in charge of the digital […]

L’article Sandrine Nachampassack as Community Manager for Domaparis est apparu en premier sur Domaparis.

Sandrine Nachampassack has joined DomaParis during April as our new Community Manager and is now in charge of the digital communication strategy of the company, both on the web site and through our social networks (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter).

During her childhood, following an eight-month journey in the USA during which she attended an American elementary school, Sandrine developed learning facilities to learn English. Later on, she gained an appetite for learning other foreign languages and therefore, after graduating from high school with a Literary Baccalaureate, she attended the University of Paris Nanterre and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Modern Languages, English-Chinese major.

Then she decided to specialize in the event communication field, by attending the EPH school (Paris 16) and graduated with a RNCP Level 2 diploma entitled « Event Project Manager ».

Wanting to learn more about the different professions in the communication field and in order to enhance her skills, Sandrine has been attending the MBA-ESG school (Paris 11) since 2020, first in MBA1 Marketing and Communication and this year in MBA2 Communication, Digital and Events.

Today, she is able to put her knowledge and her skills, acquired during all of her academic years, into practice within our company. She will be communicating efficiently about the services of DomaParis and creating content on a daily basis for our web site and our social networks.

We are pleased to welcome her and we hope that she will have a nice and enriching experience at DomaParis !

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What is domiciliation? Wed, 20 Jan 2021 15:46:32 +0000 You might have heard of this term, but do you know what it actually means? The domiciliation of your company […]

L’article What is domiciliation? est apparu en premier sur Domaparis.

You might have heard of this term, but do you know what it actually means? The domiciliation of your company is one of the most important steps when you decide to create your own business, therefore, we have reason to talk about it.


The domiciliation has to be made when you create your company, that is to say, when you have to write its headquarters in the statutes.

Indeed, setting up your headquarters is a compulsory step to obtain the registration of the company. In other words, the domiciliation is the designation of a mailing address as well as a commercial and tax address where your mail, sent by your customers and suppliers, is delivered. A domiciliation is also necessary when your headquarters need to be transferred to another address.


Besides, it can be useful when you live abroad and you want to have your headquarters in France, in order to have more visibility. It is also an opportunity to minimise your fixed costs. Moreover, all types of company, whether it is an individual company, a public limited company or a non-profit company, can choose a business address.


In addition, you can choose among different options to define your headquarters:


  • At home, which is not the best solution if you want to separate your personal and professional life
  • In commercial premises, which is quite expensive
  • In a business centre as DomaParis


From now on, you know everything about domiciliation.

If you have any questions or want more information about this topic, go to our website or contact us by email or by phone

L’article What is domiciliation? est apparu en premier sur Domaparis.

The French government makes formalities easier for the creation of companies Fri, 02 Oct 2020 12:59:35 +0000 The creation of a company implies to make some efforts, especially in terms of paperwork which can easily scare many […]

L’article The French government makes formalities easier for the creation of companies est apparu en premier sur Domaparis.

The creation of a company implies to make some efforts, especially in terms of paperwork which can easily scare many people off. Indeed, some entrepreneurs see those formalities as an obstacle and do not dare to create their own business.

To face that serious issue and thus, to allow them to create their company in an easier way, the Action Plan for Business Growth and Transformation (PACTE) is considering simplifying all the steps with the establishment of an online platform.

In the meantime, DomaParis can handle those formalities allowing you to utterly focus on the launch of your activity.


L’article The French government makes formalities easier for the creation of companies est apparu en premier sur Domaparis.

DomaParis on social media Fri, 02 Oct 2020 12:51:38 +0000 Nowadays, a company has to be on social media in order to enhance its visibility and fame. Among the most […]

L’article DomaParis on social media est apparu en premier sur Domaparis.

Nowadays, a company has to be on social media in order to enhance its visibility and fame.

Among the most popular social networks, we can mention Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. Even though they do not have all the same role, it is necessary for a brand to develop its reputation on each network to reach different types of people that are interesting for the activity of the company.


As social media can have a huge impact on our domiciliation company, DomaParis creates content on each of them and communicates every day. Moreover, we are trying to diversify our content by publishing news about the company but also about our services and values.


Today, our community is growing increasingly. For your information, our Facebook page is liked by 96 people, our Twitter account is followed by 111 people, our Instagram page by 30 people and our LinkedIn account by 135 people.


To get informed about our actuality, follow us on each page!


L’article DomaParis on social media est apparu en premier sur Domaparis.

Sara Clipet has joined DomaParis as community manager Fri, 24 Jul 2020 10:09:34 +0000   Sara Clipet has joined our team as Community Manager of DomaParis. Indeed, she is in charge of the communication […]

L’article Sara Clipet has joined DomaParis as community manager est apparu en premier sur Domaparis.


Sara Clipet has joined our team as Community Manager of DomaParis. Indeed, she is in charge of the communication of the company on the website as well as on social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.


L’article Sara Clipet has joined DomaParis as community manager est apparu en premier sur Domaparis.

As we know, Brexit is coming Thu, 13 Jul 2017 13:20:18 +0000 With administrative procedures in the UK being complex and tedious, the French authorities are aiming to help UK entrepreneurs relocate […]

L’article As we know, Brexit is coming est apparu en premier sur Domaparis.


With administrative procedures in the UK being complex and tedious, the French authorities are aiming to help UK entrepreneurs relocate and run their business more easily in France If your needs are multiple, housing start-up domiciliation, visa and work permit (if necessary). Then entrust the domiciliation of your Company into the capable hands of Domaparis.

If you need to relocate your business address in France for exchange facilities, Domaparis can provide a safe, professional and prestigious address for you.

Domaparis’ concept is to help you to record your Head Office at 55 boulevard Pereire 75017 PARIS with the Clerk of the Commercial Court – This assures you of a prominent, eye catching address that will improve the image of your Company

We will receive all your mail for and forward it to you :

  • by post wherever you want,
  • by scanning and forwarding thereby ensuring you are kept informed even whilst travelling or away from the office.

We offer various options to suit your needs including administrative and legal. To see our range of service options please visit our website

Our job is to help you so make life easier by choosing Domaparis

Please contact us for more information about domiciliation :

  • By Phone : +00 1 44 29 73 73
  • By email :
  • Call in to the office, no appointment necessary.


L’article As we know, Brexit is coming est apparu en premier sur Domaparis.

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